ABOUT US and OUR SERVICES since 2010 in Canada
ABOUT US and OUR SERVICES since 2010 in Canada
MRTV.ca Montreal and LiveTVRO Canada Multicultural RADIO & Romanian Television
are specialized in the capture and broadcasting of LIVE events.
The Video Producer is WMD TV Production 2010
Founder, CEO-Manager is: Media Journalist Nicolai LAVRIC
WMD TV Production 2010, created in 2010, is the principal producer of MRTV.ca Montreal and LiveTVRO Canada β Multicultural RADIO & Romanian Television.
The Name Web Media Design TV Production 2010 (MEDIA TV PRODUCTION) is an abbreviation of activities in the company PRONICON created in Romania, Europe and continued in Canada.
Founder, CEO-Manager β WMD TV Production 2010 is: Media Journalist Nicolai LAVRIC
Every business is in the image business and everything a company does or says or produces or makes public contributes to that image.
The three basic techniques of television advertising give an impact to its cost: computer graphics, video advertising and film advertising.
Whether you are a company, an association, community or individual, we showcase your events through LIVE broadcasting.
If you plan to organize a symposium, a seminar, a forum, a festival, a cultural or sporting event, institutional or religious, and you want to increase the audience of your event, to have instant interactivity with thousands of people from the entire world; do not hesitate to contact us to establish together the possibility of a DIRECT / LIVE broadcast.