All our 2017 video productions, performances, TV shows, advertising, video reports and documentaries, interviews, live broadcasts, etc.
Here you can find all our 2017 video productions, performances, TV shows, advertising, video reports and documentaries, interviews, live broadcasts, etc.
Nicolai A Lavric Founder, CEO-Manager, Producer and Media Journalist at
Visit our YOUTUBE page / @MRTV-caMontreal
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Our all 2017 video productions, performances, TV shows, advertising, video reports ...
2017-03-05 | LIVE Sunday of Orthodoxy β Duminica Ortodoxiei - Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church
2017-04-09 | Duminica Floriilor la Biserica Ortodoxa βSfΓ’nta Filofteia"
2017-04-23 | TrΓ©sor Magique - Spectacle de danse [La Fantaisie] en Rediffusion
2017-04-23 | Spectacle de Danse β TrΓ©sor Magique - Ensemble de danse LA FANTAISIE
2017-05-06 | SfΓ’nta Liturghie la Catedrala EpiscopalΔ din Montreal ...
2017-05-07 | Inaugurarea Episcopiei Ortodoxe Romane a Canadei
2017-05-27 | LIVE Ora RomΓ’neascΔ cu Jurnalist Adrian Ardelean la CFMB1280 AM - Emisiunea 100
2017-06-17 | PAYS des MERVEILLES β SPECTACLE de danse β Ensemble de danse LA FANTAISIE
2017-11-01 | PUBLICITY | LIVE - The 13th Anniversary of Jotaikido Jutsu 2004-2017
2017-12-17 | LIVE - Lansarea Asociatiei Profesionistilor si Antrepenorilor Moldoveni.
2017-12-24 | LIVE CrΔciunul Copiilor dupΔ slujba de la Biserica Sf. Pantelimon