- 🔴 2025-01-11 | Doina Falcon - EXPOSITION D’ART – Traversez 20 ans de création lors de l’exposition citoyenne
- 🔴 ARCHIVE | All our video productions since 2010: shows, TV shows, video reports & documentaries, interviews, live broadcasts, advertising, etc.
- All our 2025 video productions, performances, TV shows, advertising, video reports and documentaries, interviews, live broadcasts, etc.
- 🔴 2024-11-24 | PAGINI de ISTORIE - Omagiu adus trecutului și valorilor istorice ale poporului român
- 🔴 2024-11-21 | Cenaclul Eminescu Montréal – Pictură, artă și literatură. Moderator Leonard I. Voicu
🔴 LIVE | 2014-11-30 Romanian National Day 2014 – Broadcast from Ottawa City Hall
OTTAWA – Romanian National Day 2014 – Broadcast from Ottawa City Hall 2014-11-30 Evening’s festivities : * Romanian Ambassador to Canada‘s address – Maria LIGOR * Maria and Alex Stefanescu from Romagazin radio program will be the MC’s for the night! * Exclusive live Romanian music from Marius Banu and Miruna Banu * Performances by Izvorul Romanian Ensemble of Ottawa-Gatineau with a debut show by the children’s group * Traditional Romanian buffet * Prize draws…
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